Author: mickbell
Bonus: FN Tricar three-dimensional views
Although not included in the canonical list of plans, Mick Bell also drew these three-dimensional views of the FN Tricar. They are included here in case they are of interest to anyone.

Leyland Hippo 19H/3E, 10 ton, 6×4, GS, Tractor Heavy Arctic with Douglas SM-75/PGM-17A Thor IRBM on Transporter/Erector Trailer
Special note for this drawing:
The scans of this drawing have a slightly convoluted history.
The drawing is on two sheets. Each sheet is too large to fit on A4 paper at 1/76 scale. I believe Mick Bell intended these to be printed on two A3 sheets.
However, when we first scanned all the drawings and set up this website, we only had a copy that was scaled down further and printed on two sheets of A4. I scanned these and scaled the images back up again to what I believe is 1/76 scale. I verified this with measurements, and by comparison with drawing 77 of the Leyland Hippo, so I’m fairly sure the scale is correct.
Later, we rediscovered A3 copies. I scanned these, thinking that they would be higher quality and intending to replace the scaled-up A4 scans. However, on comparing the two sets of scans, the scans of the A4 copies appear to be more detailed. Perhaps the A4 copies were printed from an AutoCAD original using a better printer.
In summary:
The first scans are scaled up from a smaller but better quality print.
The second scans are higher resolution scans of a larger but lower quality print.
Overall, I think the first scans are better, but I’ve included both here.
First scans

Second scans